Wow, thank you for your feedback and good ideas everyone!!!!

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First off, saw Challengers for the second time this weekend. So good 🥹 Second, if you decide you don’t want to write fiction (or if you wanna incorporate this into your fiction somehow or just use this as a podcast topic), I’ve been dying for someone to write about the relationship between social media algorithms and language. I notice so much “algorithm-speak” when I’m watching YouTube or TikTok so that creators can stay in the good graces of the algorithm and keep their content monetized. Would love to read your take on this phenomenon, however that take shows up in your creative process!

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I wholeheartedly second this! Taylor Lorenz wrote the following (and there have been other “algospeak” articles like the two beneath) but I would be most interested in hearing or reading Amanda’s linguistic (and probably at times humorous) take.

Lorenz, Taylor. 2022. “Internet ‘Algospeak’ Is Changing Our Language in Real Time, from ‘nip nops’ to ‘le dollar bean’.” Washington Post, Apr. 8, 2022. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/04/08/algospeak-tiktok-le-dollar-bean/

Ifeanyi, KC. 2022. “Decoding What Algospeak Really Means for Content Creators.” Fast Company, Oct. 31, 2022. https://www.fastcompany.com/90802742/decoding-what-algospeak-really-means-for-content-creators

Levine, Alexandra S. 2022. “From Camping to Cheese Pizza, ‘Algospeak’ Is Taking Over Social Media.” Forbes, Sep. 19, 2022. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandralevine/2022/09/16/algospeak-social-media-survey/

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Oooh thank you for pointing me to these articles, Mark! Adding them to my reading list now.

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Thanks for "lobbying" Amanda to address it :) She has a way with words, like the following from her latest book :)

“Until recently, I was under the impression that conspiracy theorists were either incels with rattails and UFO obsessions or Facebook-addicted Karens who think essential oils are a personality trait and vaccines make you gay.”

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wow you are productive!

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to quote the viral Swift lyric, "I cry a lot but I am so productive, it's an art." lol. Toxic productivity culture has totally infected my brain like a fungus. I am working on it in therapy!!!

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Loving the idea of your fiction novel. As a non-fiction and memoir writer, I haven't dipped my toe into fiction but it sure it tempting when I want to do anything but write for the projects I'm working on.

Your Italy retreat sounds like a dream! If I didn't just get back from there, I would totally be signing up.

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For an outro, something like, “Come back next week to quiet another inner cocophany,” could be nice. That phrase in the book really resonated with me and the friends I shared it with; a slight alteration for the podcast, and it’ll be in the subconscious forever!

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This was probably the best installment yet, with Amanda possibly writing fiction and the cult of ballet. Oh, and I think (ahem) "Think it over, just don’t overthink it" is really catchy/good.

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