I would be SO interested in this!!!

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I would love, love this course!!

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The find your voice course sounds so fun! Especially pursuing bylines/deals. Would you ever consider a self-guided/workbooky option too? The barrier to the last few workshop/courses I’ve wanted to participate in has been time zone conflicts - the PST to EST difference often ends up at 9/10 pm for me (by which time me & my mouth guard are in bed)

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An enthusiastic yes! Especially for those of us who need outside accountability.

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I would love to participate in a writing course. I also saw you in Mill Valley and very inspired. Love your writing voice/style and have similar ways of expression. Please keep me on the list for a class.

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I wanted to go on the Italy trip, but don’t feel that I have my voice as a writer well established enough to justify a trip around it, but also, it coincides with some big life changes this year. I would absolutely love to take this online course and go on a later trip when I feel more confident in my writing!!!

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I’d totally be interested! I really enjoyed your book reading in Mill Valley & would love some tips on how to hone my writing & get published!

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I would sign up for that crash course in a heartbeat!!!

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Definitely interested!

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100% yes to the course!

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RSVP'ing now

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I would absolutely love a "Find Your Voice" writing course! I think whether or not I participate is going to depend on cost and if I have to tune it at a specific day or time versus just being able to access it all the time.

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Yes! Yes! Yes!

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Yes -absolutely!

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