Culty gossip my editors made me cut
Grab some headphones: I'm releasing serialized audio commentary for my book, Cultish. Here's Part 10.
Teehee, spilling a tiny spot of tea in today’s Cultish audiobook commentary installment about an anecdote I wanted to include in the book about my experience working at a cliquey (culty) beauty magazine in my 20s but that ended up on the cutting room floor. (I write much more openly and coherently about my experience working in the beauty industry in my new book for a chapter called “The Shit-Talking Hypothesis: A note on zero-sum bias,” so keep your eyes peeled for that.) Plus, the story of how I “tricked” my key Heaven’s Gate source into talking to me about his experience!
Disclaimer: No cult survivors (or beauty editors) were harmed in the making of this book.